8th Task

Series (Polyptych)




Series (polyptych) All students will design and produce two series of 8—immages. The content are previous exercises. You may create some aditional content. Next session, be prepared to discuss your idea. What is the content? How will you approach the design?


Student series (polyptych) concepts; look through examples of interesting series (polyptych) by designers.

Due next session

Begin designing your series (polyptych). The format of your work is free and the number of »pages« is free too. You may choose a different shape or size if you have a reason.

Prepare a complete analogue dummy of your series (polyptych), trimmed to the edge and taped together in sequence (bellows) — like a children book. It doesn’t have to be big; anny dimension will do.

Form of delivery

All in a single pdf file with the title: name surname 8.pdf