2nd task

A sign


Put together a »nice set of shapes«.

Look at how the letters of the Latin alphabet are similar to each other. For the exercise, limit yourself to, say, just lowercase letters. Write the alphabet on a computer in a more standard font. Reorganise the letters to subsets of letters that are as similar to each other as close as possible. Put, say, »n« in the first place. It is similar to »m«, followed by »h«, »u« is »n« rotated. With a little processing, »b«, »d«, »p« and »g« are following.»u« would probably be preceded by »i« and »l«. It is interesting how to deal with, say, the letter »k«.

From cardboard, or better yet, from some foil, cut out a template of the basic building blocks with which one can build all the letters.

Make all the characters with this model(s).

From cardboard, or better yet, from some foil, cut out a template of the basic building blocks with which one can build all the letters.

Of course, the product will be of dubious quality. You should have a special subject just for this task. The purpose is only to develop a sense of the unified structure of the group of characters – the system.

Due to the next meeting

Compose 22 characters of our alphabet without diacritics. The letters should be about 5 cm in size. Paint the product and submit it in the online classroom. Bring the original to the meeting.

If possible, make a »specimen« (type specimen) – a poster.

Look how FontStruct works and sign in to that webpage.


Linear typography in: Lord of the system.

Form of delivery

All in a single pdf file with the title: name surname 2.pdf