As the Way of the Cross

Topolove Station, Italy


1st station

1. station — immage

1. station - motive

1. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

2nd station

2. station — immage

2. station — ambient

2. station - motive

2. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

3rd station

3. station — immage

3. station — ambient

3. station - motive

3. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

4th station

4. station — immage

4. station - motive

4. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

5th station

5. station — immage

5. station - motive

5. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

6th station

6. station — immage

6. station — ambient

6. station - motive

6. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

7th station

7. station — immage

7. station - motive

7. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

8th station

8. station — immage

8. station — ambient

8. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

9th station

9. station — immage

9. station during the procession

9. station during the procession

9. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

10th station

10. station — immage

10. station — ambient

10. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

11th station

11. station — immage

11. station - motive

11. station — ambient

11. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

12th station

12. station — immage

12. station - motive

12. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

13th station

13. station — immage

13. station — ambient

13. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm

13. station during the procession

14th station

14. station — immage

14. station — ambient

14. station — computer cut foil on plastic, 50/35 cm